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Zucchini Lasagna Rollups

Zucchini Lasagna Rollups
Zucchini Lasagna Rollups These zucchini lasagna rollups are a great way to use up summer zucchini. I’ve been making the excuse lately on the days I work the market, that because my job is a lot of manual labor (packing up coolers, packing up my car, unpacking at the market, repacking after the market, putting everything back when I get to the shop) that I...
July 14, 2016

Burgers, Pizza, Ribs…oh my!

Burgers, Pizza, Ribs…oh my!
The weather was awesome this past weekend – makes working the farmers markets that much better.  In the two markets I worked over the weekend, we made $3100 – great weather=more people=more opportunity to sell a lot of veggie burgers!  Here’s a tip from me to you though – I never really thought about it before, but most vendors only have a bank of $100. ...
July 11, 2016

James Taylor to Virginia

James Taylor to Virginia
When my Mom suggested getting tickets to see James Taylor and Jackson Browne last fall, we had no idea that the family reunion would fall on the immediate weekend following the concert.  The concert was at Wrigley Field in Chicago, and being a White Sox fan, that’s about the only time you’ll see me in that stadium is for a concert! The weather ended up...
July 8, 2016

Home Again!

Home Again!
Wow, what a whirlwind week it was!  From the James Taylor concert last Thursday night through my family reunion in Virginia, this week went by fast, but I packed a lot into that week, that’s for sure!  I plan on doing a vacation recap post tomorrow, but I wanted to thank my twin sister Jennifer for her guest post and continuing to inspire me to...
July 7, 2016

Fourth of July!

Fourth of July!
Hello! Hannah here. Hope everyone had a successful, relaxing & enjoyable 4th of July weekend- While Jacob and I both worked yesterday, we definitely still made time for relaxation and some good ole grillin’ for dinner. It’s funny because while I typically don’t like meat, there are times when I find myself cooking a bunch of it! Yesterday was one of those days- we decided...
July 5, 2016

Happy Friday – Guest Post by Jenn

Hi all!  It’s Jennifer – Biz’s twin sister.  Since Biz and our Mom were leaving at the crack of dawn to go on vacation – I’m taking over for today. I think what I will share is my weight loss success so far this year.  It’s going pretty well – I can’t believe I’m still at it!  Like everyone else in January – I was the “I’m...
July 1, 2016

Bizzy day for MBK!

Bizzy day for MBK!
Another gorgeous summer day in the books for Chicago yesterday.  Even though I knew it was my long work day, I knew I I had to get out and get some steps in, even before breakfast. My twin sister and I LOVE clouds and for us, you can’t have too many pictures of them!  Tony used to roll his eyes every time I took another...
June 30, 2016

Link in Profile

Link in Profile
So yesterday you remember how I told you that MY scale showed a 4.6 gain for one week.  In my head, I knew that wasn’t possible, but it really messed with my brain.  I kept going over my online journal, knowing that I couldn’t have possibly eaten 15,000 extra calories without realizing it, unless I was a sleep eater and didn’t know it!  I seriously...
June 29, 2016

Treat Yo Self

Treat Yo Self
I had more beef leftover in my fridge that needed to be used up or put in the freezer.  Um, turns out I can have steak pretty much any time of day.  I ended up using the same Black seasoning from Saturday night, but cooked it in my cast iron skillet.  Just as delicious as doing it on the grill.  My 4 ounce steak (4)...
June 28, 2016