My Favorite Workout Videos on YouTube

I am embarrassed to say that I belong to five gyms, yet I still find my favorite workout videos on YouTube!

In case you have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, they have something called Blue 365, where you can join 12,000+ gyms for one low payment of $28.  They are all basic gym memberships, but since 2017 I have belonged to LA Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Planet Fitness, Snap Fitness and one gym that isn’t in the program anymore.  I can’t remember what that gym was, but I know it was near my office downtown at the time.  And that’s $28 FOR ALL THE GYMS, not each.  Oh, and I still belong to the YMCA!  But for less than $100 a month, I belong to a lot of gyms.  And still find myself doing free YouTube videos online.  😂

So many people have asked me what videos I do, so I thought I would give you a sampling here.  I can’t put every link of every exercise I do, but I’ll highlight the trainers I like and add a few of my favorite videos under each category.

Why strength training is important as we age.

Strength training is particularly important as we age due to several key benefits that support overall health and quality of life:

Muscle Mass Preservation: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength, a condition known as sarcopenia. Strength training helps to slow down or even reverse this process, maintaining muscle mass and function.

Bone Density Improvement: Weight-bearing exercises increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. This is crucial as bones tend to weaken with age.

Metabolic Health: Strength training boosts metabolism, which can help manage weight and reduce the risk of metabolic conditions like diabetes. It also improves insulin sensitivity, aiding in better blood sugar control.

Joint Health: Strengthening the muscles around joints provides better support and reduces the risk of injury. It can also alleviate symptoms of arthritis by improving joint function and reducing pain.

Balance and Stability: Improved muscle strength enhances balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and related injuries. This is particularly important for maintaining independence in older adults.

Mental Health Benefits: Regular strength training can improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance overall cognitive function.

Functional Independence: By maintaining strength and mobility, older adults can continue to perform daily activities with ease, supporting a higher quality of life and greater independence.

Incorporating strength training into a regular fitness routine can provide these benefits and contribute to healthier aging.

Grow with Jo

this is a photo of grow with jo

If you are new to exercising, I highly recommend starting here.  Her workouts are 90% standing, low impact and you can customize the workouts to be easier or harder.  When I first started doing her workouts a few years ago (I think in the beginning of the pandemic) she had 300k subscribers on her channel.  Now she has almost 6 million! 




Here are some of my favorite workouts:

Workout with Roxanne

workout with roxanne

Kettlebells are a relatively new exercise for me.  I bought my kettlebells at Aldi of all places, but you can find them at places like Walmart of Amazon.  I love Roxanne’s workouts because there is minimal talking only in the beginning, and the music is great.  If you are looking for a great kettlebell trainer, highly recommend Workout with Roxanne.  Here are some of my favorite workouts:




Heather Robinson

this is a photo of fitness coach Heather Robinson

If you don’t want to have to think about any of your workouts for the next 12 weeks, then look no further than to Heather Robinson’s 12 week program.  You need minimal equipment the first few weeks, but as it progresses you’ll need dumbbells and a stability ball.  This workout plan is definitely geared towards someone who has been workout out on a regular basis and is looking to step up their game.  She does a lot of HIIT workouts, and core exercises.  You can grab her 12 week schedule here.  I’ll link the first workout of the series below, along with a couple of my other favorite workouts:



Fit by Mik

this is a photo of fit by mik fitness coach

Mik is the queen of 30 minute videos.  She has full body workouts, cardio, abs and more.  She only talks briefly in the beginning of each workout and the music is great.  A lot of the workouts are low impact, which I love as well.  If one exercise may be a bit challenging for me, I just modify as best I can and then jump right back in.  It’s still moving! 

Below are a few of my favorite workouts:




Eleni Fit

this is a photo of eleni fit

Love Eleni’s videos.  No talking, great music.  I also love that she has a lot of standing, no jumping exercises.  I feel these are for anyone of any fitness level, but you may have to modify as needed.  Also note that even if a workout is 30 minutes long, and maybe your stamina isn’t at 30 minutes yet, just break it up into 3, 10 minute workouts.  I’ll do that also if I don’t have time to do 30 minutes all at once.  I’ll do 10 minutes before work, 10 minutes on my lunch break, and the last 10 minutes before dinner.  Below are a few of my favorite workouts:




this is a photo of tiffany moore

I love Tiffany’s workouts.  Nearly 90% of her workouts are standing and walking.  Her music is upbeat, and there is minimal talking.  If you are a beginner to exercise, I highly recommend starting here.  You never need any equipment in most of her videos.  She also abides by the 10 minute rule.  If she doesn’t feel like working out, she tells herself she only has to do it for 10 minutes, and then she can stop.  But 9/10 she continues because she’s already in the groove.  So if you procrastinate with moving, maybe start doing the 10 minute rule!  Below are a few of my favorite videos:


Lift with Cee

Cheryl is a relatively new addition to my line up and I love her workouts.  She gears her workouts to the 40+ crowd, but these workouts are for anyone.  While she uses much heavier weights (15 and 25 pound dumbbells!) I started out with 1 pound weights 8 weeks ago, and have now moved up to 8 pound weights.  I bought my weights at Walmart, but you can also find them in places like Goodwill or stores like Play it Again for relatively inexpensive prices.  Here are a few of my favorite videos:

I hope these links will help you be more active.  If you have a favorite YouTube channel that I haven’t listed, let me know in the comments!  As I find more workout videos, this list will continue to be updated.

Kat Gates-Buettner

Kat and her twin sister Tris do walking, strength and step videos that are great for all activity levels.  I love the music, the fact that there is no talking (or minimal talking) and the videos go by really quickly.  Before I know it I am done!

Here are a few of my favorite videos: